Volume: 4 (2023)

Frequency: Biannual

ISSN: 2639-6017

eISSN: 2639-6025


Matthew P. Llewellyn

Trans Women Are Women, and Sport Is A Human Right

I’m really tired of repeating myself. People keep telling me that the topic of including trans and/or intersex women in women’s sport is “complicated.” But it’s not. It’s very simple. Are trans women really women, full stop, or not? If you think “Yes,” then there’s no debate: trans and intersex women, as women, belong in women’s sport. If you think “No,” then there’s absolutely nothing I can say that will change your mind. Reasons didn’t get you into that belief, and they won’t be what get you out of it. It’s a little like arguing with a flat-Earther: if you are convinced that the Earth is flat, then you’ll find any reason, no matter how irrational, to hold onto that belief in the face of overwhelming evidence.

Link to Podcast:  https://soundcloud.com/press-marketing/jos-forum-on-transgender-athletes-part-1

Link to Podcast transcript: https://www.press.uillinois.edu/wordpress/jos-forum-on-transgender-athletes-part-1/

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